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BLS course held in Krapina

BLS course held in Krapina

On December 12, 2022, a BLS course for basic life support was held in the premises of the City Society of the Red Cross of Krapina. The course included standard guidelines (1-5) for basic life support and the use of an automatic external defibrillator:

1. Introduction to first aid

  • Definicija i ciljevi prve pomoći
  • Pravila kojih se treba pridržavati
  • Briga o osobnoj zaštiti
  • Pozivanje stručne pomoći
  • Oprema za pružanje prve pomoći

2. Procedure with the injured person

  • Prvi (primarni) pregled
  • Neodgodiva prva pomoć
  • Drugi (sekundarni) pregled
  • Rautekov hvat

3. Providing first aid in case of loss of consciousness

  • Kratkotrajni gubitak svijesti
  • Gubitak svijesti kod osobe koja diše
  • Bočni položaj
  • Gubitak svijesti kod osobe koja ne diše
  • Oživljavanje

4. Suffocation with a foreign body

  • Definicija i znakovi gušenja
  • Primjena postupaka prve pomoći

5. Heavy external bleeding

  • Definicija i znakovi jakog vanjskog krvarenja
  • Primjena postupaka prve pomoći

The BLS course was completed by 5 employees of emergency services from the area of ​​KZŽ - members of the police and civil protection headquarters. Thanks everyone!


The project "Improving the quality of cooperation and partnership of the emergency services of Krapina-Zagorje County and Savinjska Region - CRO-SI-SAFE" is implemented within the INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia Cooperation Program 2014-2020. and is co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development. 

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