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Presentation of the work of the emergency services of the CRO-SI-SAFE team - Zivtov trg, Zabok

Presentation of the work of the emergency services of the CRO-SI-SAFE team - Zivtov trg, Zabok

As part of the EU Projects Open Days, we organized a presentation of the work of emergency services from the Interreg CRO-SI-SAFE project on Zivtovo trg in Zabok, October 5, 2022.

Employees and volunteers of the KZŽ Fire Brigade, the KZŽ Institute of Emergency Medicine, the MUP - Police Administration of Krapina-Zagorska and the Intervention Police, HGSS Station Zlatar Bistrica and Društva Crvenog križa KZŽ presented their skills.

Thank you to all the participants for their positive energy, and especially to the stakeholders from vulnerable groups of the public – the Multiple Sclerosis Society KZŽ, Elementary School Ksaver Šandor Gjalski and kindergarten Zipkica from Zabok. Universal promotional gifts of the project - lollipops and mini first aid kits - were distributed to the youngest visitors for learning about safety from an early age.

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